Welcome to the Financial Research Association (FRA) conference website. Our 20th annual conference meeting will be held December 6-7, 2025, at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas. In the last two years, the conference featured a dual submission with the Journal of Financial Economics. For more details on this opportunity, see the JFE Dual Submission Policy page. The deadline to submit is August 31. The submission portal will open in early July 2025.
The FRA conference highlights promising, cutting-edge papers and early stage work in the areas of investments, corporate finance, behavioral finance, banking, financial institutions, liquidity, market microstructure, and consumer finance. Past papers have used theoretical, empirical, and experimental approaches to investigate timely and important issues in financial markets. The conference is one of the finance profession’s longest running meetings and is highly selective, with an average acceptance rate of 3%. The majority of papers presented at previous meetings have been subsequently published in top outlets and have become influential to the field (Reinartz and Urban, 2017).
Since its inception in 2004, the structure and format of the meeting has remained novel. Discussants present each paper from the start, not the authors. This format has offered fresh insights on program papers and engendered vigorous intellectual discussion. Additionally, the meeting includes an Early Ideas Session in which participants are offered the opportunity to present a brief three-slide talk and receive spontaneous feedback from the audience.
The FRA dedicates itself to fostering the growth of young scholars and PhD candidates. Annually, we honor the best PhD student paper with the Michael J. Barclay Award. For a list of past winners, click here. Additionally, we offer travel grants for PhD students who participate in the conference. We view our meetings as an opportunity to get to know newcomers to the academic finance profession.
We are very fortunate to have an outstanding Program Committee of academics from top institutions from around the world. Not only do members of the committee help choose papers for the meeting, but they are integral to the lively discussions that we have at the conference.
We are also grateful for the sponsorship and support that we have received from academic institutions and corporate sponsorships. Not only has this been critical to our mission, but it has allowed us to give awards for outstanding work and discussant participation at the meetings. Click here to view a list of past winners.
Any questions or inquiries should be directed to info@fraconference.com.
Daniel, Bruce, Tony, Eli, Kelly, and Ed
FRA Directors